
Butz, K. H. G., Mueller, S. M., Spille, J. L., Martin, S., & Grunwald, M. (2024). Refraining from spontaneous face touch is linked to personality traits, reduced memory performance and EEG changes. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-64723-z   (pdf)

Mueller, S.M. & Grunwald, M.: Psychologische Effekte bei der manualmedizinischen Behandlung. Manuelle Medizin. Ausgabe 03/23

Martin, S.; Ackermann, B. W.; Thome, U. H.; Grunwald, M.; Mueller, S. M. (2023): Association of response time and intermittent hypoxemia in extremely preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica, 112(7), 1413-1421. Doi: 10.1111/apa.16766 (pdf)

Butz, K.H.G., Mueller, S.M., Spille, J.L., Martin, S., Grunwald, M. (2022): Spontaneity matters! Network alterations before and after spontaneous and active facial self-touches: an EEG functional connectivity study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 184, 28-38.  (pdf)

Spille, J.L., Mueller, S.M., Martin, S. Grunwald, M.  EEG patterns of spontaneous facial self-touches differ depending on the touched face side and the executing hand. (under review). 

Mueller, S.M.; Ackermann, B.W.; Martin, S.; Seifert, K. Mohr, A.; Alali, W.; Thome, U.H.; Grunwald, M. (2022). Incidence of intermittent hypoxia increases during clinical care in extremely preterm infants. Neonatology, 120(1), 102–110. DOI: 10.1159/000527725

Spille, J.L., Grunwald, M., Martin, S., Mueller, S.M. (2022). The suppression of spontaneous face touch and resulting consequences on memory performance of high and low self-touching individuals, Scientific Reports, 12(1), 8637. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12044-4   (pdf)

Spille, J. L., Mueller, S. M., Martin, S., & Grunwald, M. (2022). Cognitive and emotional regulation processes of spontaneous facial self-touch are activated in the first milliseconds of touch: Replication of previous EEG findings and further insights. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 22, 984–1000.  (pdf)

Thomas, J. P., Völter, C., Wirth, R., Guthoff, R., Grunwald, M., & Hummel, T. (2021). Wie das Gehirn die Welt im Alter mit allen Sinnen wahrnimmt. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 54, 611–620.

Mueller, S.M., Grunwald, M. (2021): Effects, side effects and contraindications of relaxation massage during pregnancy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(16), 3485; (pdf).

Spille, J.L., Martin, S., Grunwald, M., Mueller, S.M. (2021): Stop touching your face! A systematic review of triggers, characteristics, regulatory functions and neuro-physiology of facial self touch. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 128, 102-116. (pdf)

Völter, C., Thomas, J.P., Maetzler, W., Guthoff, R., Grunwald, M., Hummel, T. (2021). Funktionseinschränkungen der Sinne im Alter. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2021; 118: 512-20. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.m2021.0212 (pdf) // English Version: Sensory dysfunction in old age

Martin, S., Thome, U.H., Grunwald, M., Mueller, S.M. (2020). Light or Deep Pressure: Medical Staff Members Differ Extensively in Their Tactile Stimulation During Preterm Apnea. Front. Pediatr. 8:102. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.00102 (pdf)

Mueller, S. M., & Grunwald, M. (2019). Frühgeborenenmassage: taktile Körperstimulation in der Neonatalmedizin. Manuelle Medizin, 57(4), 260-265. Doi: 10.1007/s00337-019-0546-2

Grunwald, M. (2019). Haut als sensorisches System. Der Schmerzpatient, 2(02), 76-83. DOI: 10.1055/a-0823-0732

Mueller, S.M. & Grunwald, M. (2019). Taktile Körperstimulation (Massage) in der Pränatal- und Geburtsmedizin - Effekte auf Schwangerschaftskomplikationen, Wachstum und Immunsystem. Manuelle Medizin, 57(4), 254-259. Doi: 10.1007/s00337-019-0536-4

Mueller, S., Martin, S. & Grunwald, M. (2019). Self-Touch: Contact durations and point of touch of spontaneous facial self-touches differ depending on cognitive and emotional load. PloS one, 14(3), e0213677. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213677

Mueller, S.M., Bernigau, D., Muelling, C., Grunwald, M. (2019). Does studying veterinary medicine improve students' haptic perception ability? A pilot study. Journal of veterinary medical education.  2019 Feb 26:1-7. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0417-051r. (PDF)

Schmidt, R., Sebert, C., Kösling, C., Grunwald, M., Hilbert, A., Hübner, C., & Schäfer, L. (2018). Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Indicators of General and Food-Specific Impulsivity in Children with Overweight and Obesity: A Pilot Study. Nutrients, 10(12), 1983.

Winkelmann, C., & Grunwald, M. (2018). Preparatory course to haptic sensory discrimination skills. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61, e526.

Winkelmann, C., Grunwald, M., & Beyer, L. (2018). Konzeption eines Propädeutikums zur aktiven Tastsinnesleistung im Rahmen der manualtherapeutischen Ausbildung. Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin, 28(04), 43.

C. Winkelmann, L. Beyer & M. Grunwald (2017). Propädeutikum zur aktiven Tastsinnesleistung (PakT). Manuelle Medizin, 55(4), 197-204. DOI 10.1007/s00337-017-0281-5.

Mueller, S.M., Martin, S., Schwarz, M., Grunwald, M (2016). Temporal modulations of contact force during haptic surface exploration. PloS one, 11(4), e0152897. (pdf)

Grunwald M., Muniyandi M., Kim H., Kim J., Krause F., Mueller, S., Srinivasan M.A. (2014). Human haptic perception is interrupted by explorative stops of milliseconds. Frontiers in Cognition, 5(292), p.1-14  (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Weiss, T., Mueller, S., Rall, L. (2014). EEG changes caused by spontaneous facial self-touch may represent emotion regulating processes and working memory maintenance. Brain Research. 1557, 111–126 (PDF)

Mueller, S., Winkelmann, C., Krause, F., & Grunwald, M. (2014) Occupation related long-term sensory training enhances roughness discrimination but not tactile acuity. Experimental Brain Research Volume 232, Issue 6, pp 1905-1914 (PDF)

Mueller, S., Stengler, K., Jahn, I., & Grunwald, M. (2014). Sensory Integration Capacity is diminished in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Patients with Poor Insight but not in Patients with Intact Insight. International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal, ISSN: 2321–7235, Vol.: 2, Issue: 4 (July-August) (PDF)

Mueller, S., Grunwald, M. (2013). Haptische Wahrnehmungsleistungen: Effekte bei erfahrenen und unerfahrenen Physiotherapeuten. Manuelle Medizin. 51,473-478. (PDF)

Mueller, S., Habermann, S., Dudda,J., Grunwald, M. (2013). Observation of own exploration movements impairs haptic spatial perception. Exp. Brain Res. Volume 231, Issue 4 (2013), Page 415-423 (PDF)

Berti, S., Grunwald, M., Schröger, E. (2013) Age dependent changes of distractibility and reorienting of attention revisited: An event-related potential study. Brain Research. 156-166. (PDF)

Grunwald, M. (2010): Haptic Pad‘s: Eine neue Methode zur Messung und zum Training haptischer Wahrnehmungsleistungen. Manuelle Medizin (6) 474-476. (PDF)

Kündiger, C., Wesemann, D., Verhey, R. & Grunwald, M. (2010) Online Counseling for Eating Disorders- an established service that complement traditional settings - Experience with Online Counseling for Eating Disorders in Germany. Cyber Therapy & Rehabilitation, Vol 3, Issue 4, 383-394.

D. Wesemann, S. Fritsch, C. Kündiger, M. Grunwald (2010): Struktur und Inhalte von Beratungstexten bei Online-Beratung im Bereich Essstörungen. Psychiatr. Praxis 37, 369-376. (PDF)

Cliodhna Quigley, C., Andersen, S.K., Schulze, L., Grunwald, M., Müller M.M. (2010): Feature-selective attention: evidence for a decline in old age. Neuroscience Letters 474, 5-8. (PDF)

Wesemann, D., Grunwald, A. & Grunwald, M. (2009). A comparison of different survey periods in online surveys of persons with eating disorders and their relatives. Telemedicine and E-Health, 15 (8) 751-757. (PDF)

Wesemann, D. & Grunwald, M. (2008): Online Discussion Groups for Bulimia Nervosa. An inductive approach to Internet-based communication between patients. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 41, 527-534. (PDF)

Wesemann, D., Grunwald, M. (2008): Online-Beratung für Betroffene von Essstörungen und ihre Angehörige - Befragungsergebnisse zu Wirkung und Nutzen des Beratungsangebotes des ab-server. Psychotherapeut,53,284-289. (PDF)

Wesemann, D., Grunwald, M. (2008): Online-Beratung für Betroffene von Essstörungen und ihre Angehörige - Befragungsergebnisse zu Wirkung und Nutzen des Beratungsangebotes des ab-server.  Psychotherapeut,53,284-289. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Hensel, A. Wolf, H., Weiss, T., Gertz, H.J. (2007): Does the hippocampal atrophy correlate with the cortical theta power in elderly subjects with a range of cognitive impairment? Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 24(1):22-6. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Wesemann, D., Rall, L.: Pro-Anorexia Websites – An Underestimated and Uncharted Danger! Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Vol. 13, No.2, 2008:96-8 (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Wesemann, D. (2007):  Special online consulting for patients with eating disorders and their relatives – analysis of user characteristics and e-mail content. Cyber Psychology & Behavior. 10(1):57-63. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Wesemann, D. (2006): Onlineberatung bei Essstörungen: Analysen zu Nutzergruppen und Inhalten. Psychiatrische Praxis, 33, 117-123. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Wesemann, D. (2006) Individual use of Online-Consulting for Persons Affected with Eating Disorders and their Relatives ? Evaluation of an Online Consulting Service ( European Eating Disorders Review, 14(4), 218-225. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Weiss, T. (2005):Inducing sensory stimulation in treatment of anorexia nervosa. Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 98, 379-380. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Weiss, T., Assmann, B. & Ettrich, C.(2004). Stable Asymmetric Interhemispheric Theta Power in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa during Haptic Perception even after Weight Gain: A Longitudinal Study.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 26(5), 608-620. (PDF)

Grunwald, M. & Busse, J.C. (2003). Online consulting service for eating disorders - Analysis and perspectives. Computers in Human Behavior, 19(4), 469 - 477.  (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Busse, F., Hensel, A., Riedel-Heller, S., Kruggel, F., Arendt, T., Wolf, H. & Gertz, H.J. (2002a). Theta-power differences in patients with mild cognitive impairment under rest condition and during haptic tasks. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 16, 40-48. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Ettrich, C., Busse, F., Assmann, B., Dähne, A. & Gertz, H.J. (2002b). Angle Paradigm: A New Method to Measure Right Parietal Dysfunction in Anorexia Nervosa. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17, 485-496.  (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Ettrich, C., Assmann, B., Dähne, A., Krause, W., Busse, F. & Gertz, H.J. (2001b). Deficits in haptic perception and right parietal theta-power changes in patients with anorexia nervosa before and after weight gain. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 29, 417-428. (PDF

Grunwald, M., Weiss, T., Krause, W., Beyer, L., Rost, R., Gutberlet, I. & Gertz, H.J. (2001a). Theta power in the EEG of humans during ongoing processing in a haptic object recognition tasks. Cognitive Brain Research, 11, 33-37. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Ettrich, C., Krause, W., Assmann, B., Dähne, A., Weiss, T. & Gertz, H.J. (2001d). Haptic perception in anorexia nervosa before and after weight gain. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 23, 520-529. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Busse, F., Hensel, A., Kruggel, F., Riedel-Heller, S., Wolf, H., Arendt, T. & Gertz, H.J. (2001c). Correlation between cortical theta activity and hippocampal volumes in health, mild cognitive impairment, and mild dementia. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 18, 178-184. (PDF

Wolf, H., Grunwald, M., Kruggel, F., Riedel-Heller, S., Angerhöfer, S., Hojjatoleslami, A., Hensel, A., Arendt, T. & Gertz, H.J. (2001). Hippocampal volume discriminates between normal cognition; questionable and mild dementia in the elderly. Neurobiology of Aging, 22, 177-186. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Weiss, T., Krause, W., Beyer, L., Rost, R., Gutberlet, I. & Gertz, H.J. (1999a). Power of the theta waves in the EEG of human subjects increases during recall of haptic information. Neurocience Letters, 260(3), 189-192. (PDF)

Grunwald, M., Ettrich, C., Assmann, B., Dähne, A., Krause, W., Beyer, L., Rost, R. & Gertz, H.J. (1999b). Haptische Wahrnehmung und EEG Veränderungen bei Anorexia nervosa. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, 27(4), 241-250.  text (pdf) Figures+tables (pdf) full text 

Wolf, H., Grunwald, M., Ecke, G.M., Zedlick, D., Bettin, S., Dannenberg, C., Dietrich, J., Eschrich, K., Arendt, T. & Gertz, H.J. (1998). The prognostic of mild cognitive impairment in the elderly. Journal of Neural Transmission, 54, 31-50.