29: History of haptic interfaces

Asanuma N, Yokoyama N, Shinoda H (1999) A method of selective stimulation to epidermal skin receptors for realistic touch feedback. Proc of IEEE Virtual Reality 274-281

Brooks FP Jr (1986) A dynamic graphics system for simulating virtual buildings. Proceedings of the 1986 Workshop on Interactive 3D Graphics (Chapel Hill, NC), ACM, New York, 9-21

Brooks FP, Ouh-Young M, Batter JJ, Jerome O (1990) Project GROPE - Haptic displays for scientific visualization. Computer Graphics 24: 4

Burdea G, Zhuang J, Roskos E, Silver D, Langlana L (1992) A portable dextrous master with force feedback. Presence 1: 1

Burdea GC (1996) Force and touch feedback for virtual reality. Wiley-Interscience Publication

Hirota K, Hirose M (1996) Simulation and presentation of curved surface in virtual reality environment through surface display. Proc of IEEE VRAIS’96

Iwata H (1990) Artificial reality for walking about large scale virtual space. Human Interface News and Report 5,1: 49-52 (in Japanese)

Iwata H (1990) Artificial reality with force-feedback: Development of desktop virtual space with compact master manipulator, ACM SIGGRAPH. Computer Graphics 24: 4

Iwata H (1993) Pen-based haptic virtual environment. Proc of IEEE VRAIS’93

Kajimoto H, Kawakami N, Maeda T, Tachi S (1999) Tactile feeling display using functional electrical stimulation. Proc of ICAT’99 107-114

Kawai Y, Tomita F (2000) A support system for the visually impaired to recognize three-dimensional objects. IOS Press, Technology and Disability 12, 1: 13-20

Kontarinis DA, Howe RD (1995) Tactile display of vibratory information in teleoperation and virtual environment. Presence 4 (4): 387-402

Massie T, Salisbury K (1994) The PHANToM Haptic Interface: A device for probing virtual objects. ASME Winter Anual Meeting, DSC-Vol 55-1

McNeely W (1993) Robotic graphics: A new approach to force feedback for virtual reality. Proc of IEEE VRAIS’93

Minsky M, Lederman SJ (1997) Simulated haptic textures: roughness. Symposium on haptic interfaces for virtual environment and teleoperator systems. Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, DSC, Vol 58

Minsky M, Ouh-Young M, Steele O, Brooks FP, Behensky M (1990) Feeling and seeing: issues in force display. Computer Graphics 24: 2

Moy G, Wagner C, Fearing RS (2000) A compliant tactile display for teletaction. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation

Tachi S, Maeda T, Hirata R, Hoshino H (1994) A construction method of virtual haptic space. Proc of ICAT’94

<link>Ref: « Haptic perception in Anorexia nervosa
<link>Ref: » Principles of haptic perception in virtual environments
<link>references: chapters, <link>all

<link>contents «Human Haptic Perception», Grunwald (Ed.)